Guiding Light

Are these just simply lamp poles, or are they a metaphor of our steadfast guidance of light on our journey? By placing street lamps against a moving sky, created with long-exposure techniques, I am simply revealing that while circumstances may change, time may pass and we continue to move forward, there is an ever-present light to help us along the way. While this may be depicted by a simple street lamp, and it will be different for us all depending on what is happening in our lives, it is there nonetheless. By replacing the lamp pole in each of these images with a visualization of your own light, you will be comforted in knowing that no matter the storm or no matter how dark the skies may be, your “Guiding Light” will hold strong.

Trust your instincts, and trust in that which helps you along the path… you will make your destination safely in doing so. Cheers!


Simple Things

(Artist’s Statement coming soon…)

Geometric Dream

Having spent a great number of years as a designer in the graphic design industry, I have always been aware of the basic shapes and patterns that are physically around us each and every day. Many times these truly basic elements go unnoticed by most, but I suppose I tend to seek them out in much of my imagery. Carrara Place is a building in the Denver Tech Center that I pass frequently and have always taken note of in the fact that there are very large square columns repeating all the way across the front. I knew, even prior to approaching the structure for the first time, that there had to be some really great imagery that could come from it.

It was actually not my original intent to create abstract imagery, but once I arrived on-location to scout the area for the first time, I realized that it was loaded down with amazing abstract angles that I simply could not pass-up! My original vision shifted from a truly architectural vantage point to one that was more close-up and unique. While the overall structure may not be visible in this series, I feel that the main elements are shown in a uniqueness that many may not take the time to fully notice. Furthermore, it was my goal to control the light in such a manner in hopes of creating a dream-like or altered-reality state-of-mind. I hope that you enjoy my abstract vision of “Geometric Dream” as much as I did in the creation of it. Cheers!


Open each image to see the full frame and read the write-up (if applicable)